CLS For Steel Plant

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Some critical machinery in a steel processing unit where special lubricants play a pivotal role in functioning of the systems are the continuous caster unit, hot strip mill, thermo mechanically treated (TMT) bar mill and the run on table.
Continuous research for deploying efficient, reliable and environmentally safe technology has led to the deployment of special lubricants in steel manufacturing process. While break down costs are exponential, conditions in steel manufacturing process pose tribological challenges such as high process temperatures, corrosive cooling liquids, abrasive dust, devastating shock-loads etc. In such a scenario, the lubricant is primarily desired to act as protective film with high separation power, be inert to entraining process fluids, resist tribo-corrosion and maintain lubrication during high operating temperatures.
Some critical machinery in a steel processing unit where special lubricants play a pivotal role in functioning of the systems are the continuous caster unit, hot strip mill, thermo mechanically treated (TMT) bar mill and the run on table (ROT). Whilst work environment of these machine systems are almost similar with high temperatures, dusty environment and high water ingress, the lubrication technology to be employed requires careful consideration.
Conditions in steel manufacturing process pose tribological challenges due to extreme process temperatures, presence of corrosive cooling liquids, abrasive dust, shock-loads etc. Therefore the operational environment on a lubricant is very demanding and severe. The lubricant is primarily desired to provide a strong protective film with high degree of separation, be inert to entraining process fluids, resist tribo-corrosion and withstand high operating temperatures.
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